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T0XyN nació en 1996, siendo su líder m0xx. Es el grupo de hackers portugueses más conocido, debido a la campaña hacktivista que lideró en 1997-98 contra Indonesia, en defensa de la independencia de Timor Oriental.


Toxyn empezó su campaña afirmando: "Esperamos llamar la atención para la necesaria autodeterminación e independencia de la gente del Timor, oprimida y violada durante décadas por el gobierno de Indonesia. (...) Pedimos tu ayuda para luchar contra la tirania de Indonesia al ocupar el Timor".[1]

El primer ataque, el 10 de febrero de 1997, fue contra la web del Departamento de Asuntos Exteriores de la República de Indonesia y el deface estuvo 3 horas online. Pronto, a los defaces se unirían ataques masivos a ordenadores del gobierno y empresas. Así, cada deface incluiría una lista de los servidores que habían sido asaltados.

El primer y segundo deface de Toxyn, el 10 y 14 de febrero de 1997, fueron contra el mismo sitio y eran estéticamente iguales

En todos sus ataques Toxyn, actuando bajo el nombre Hackers portugueses contra Indonesia, se preocupó de no destruir nada que no fuese necesario, como afirmaban en su web, desaparecida pero conservada en parte gracias al sitio norteamericano de la revista 2600:

No borramos ni destruimos nada, sólo hackeamos sus páginas.[2]

También en las páginas hackeadas[3] podían leerse comentarios parecidos, asegurando además que sus acciones no diferían de una manifestación en la calle:

NO hemos destruido ningún servidor. Las páginas originales han sido renombradas. Las páginas index, históricos y logs han sido alterados sólo para nuestra supervivencia. Las organizaciones de hackers afiliadas y administradores de los sistemas involucrados no deben ser considerados responsables. Somos como otros manifestantes en las calles, que simplemente tienen la habilidad de poder entrar en estos sitios. Podéis intentar restringir la información, pero la tecnología nos permite ser todos iguales!.[4]

Les ayudaron otros grupos y hackers portugueses, como Pulhas, el más antiguo de Portugal, y también el catalán Savage, quien creó diferentes programas que se usaron para atacar de forma masiva servidores del gobierno de Indonesia.

1996. Conozco a los chicos de ToXyN mientras intentaban hackear algunas máquinas de LleidaNet. Les hago un talk root@ip_del_hacker y nos hicimos coleguillas. (En) 1997, (hago) algunas cosas impublicables, que utilizaron los amigos de ToXyN en la campaña contra Indonesia, por la Independencia de Timor del Este.[5]

La campaña contra Indonesia es considerada la primera campaña hacktivista donde se usaron los defacements y el hacking. Hasta entonces, el hacktivismo -que aún no se llamaba así- se había basado en la creación de virus reivindicativos y ataques de Denegación de Servicio presentados como manifestaciones virtuales o netstrikes.

Ataque a la red militar de Indonesia, el 24 de abril de 1997

La revista norteamericana 2600 conserva capturas de todos los defaces de aquella campaña.[6]

El fin de Toxyn, según un artículo publicado en la revista "Phrack"[7], llegó cuando m0xx empezó a ofrecer entrevistas a los medios de comunicación, hablando demasiado sobre los planes en la campaña del Timor Oriental y de la escena portuguesa.


The Portuguese Scene

In the 90s, some groups started to show up, groups like Kaotik, Pulhas, Ironik and a few others, even an e-zine came up, called 'PT Zine', but died on the third release. Some of the groups still exist to this day, but not much information comes out of it. Also, some individual people started to show up in the form of Hackers, Crackers and Phreakers.

The most notorious groups were:


Founded in 1994 by Kennobi. This was the oldest Portuguese group. Actually is 'dead', but they had their golden age in the 90's by the inumerous papers that they wrote and the exploit/code database to the Portuguese mainstream.


Founded in 1996 by m0xx. This group is notorious known by their campaign against Indonesia, when East Timor was occupied by Indonesia millitary. The attack against the IT indonesian infrastracture was motivated by the currently abuses of Indonesian military officers against east timor people. Toxyn start their campaign with this statment: "We hope to call attention to the necessity of self-determination and independence of the people of Timor, oppressed and violated for decades by the government of indonesia. We hope you give your full attention to this historical step towards freedom, we ask that you help us fight the tyranny of Indonesia occupating Timor." The campaign was started at 10/2/1997. The fall of the Toxyn, has began when m0xx, has accepted and gave inumerous interviews about the campaign and about the portuguese hacker scene, exposing plans and actions of the scene. Toxyn group was helped by Savage, an known spanish hacker, who developed the exploit, that Toxyn Group used to break in in the .ID servers.


Founded in 1997(??). They've been a very active group in the East Timor campaign, hacked and defaced inumerous .id websites. They've created the first ezine about hacking & security to Portuguese people. The e-zine was extinct after 3 editions. KaotiK has reach their fame in the Portuguese Scene after a member disclosure of some flaws in various Microsoft products.


F0rpaxe was maybe, the most mediatic group/'hacker'/troll, for the worst reason. This character was the responsable for the first major attack against US .mil targets in 1999. The attacks were allegedly being carried out in retaliation for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raids on suspected "crackers" in several U.S. cities. The attacks hits various governemental and military webservers including FBI, NSA and the Navy.

East Timor Campaign

Was one of the firsts major hackivism campaign worldwide. Timor was in Portuguese administration until 1975, after Portuguese government abandoned that country, Timor was invaded by Indonesia military army, who oppressed, violated, raped and murdured for most 20 years. Various Portuguese hackers and groups decided to begin a campaign to show to the world the truth about the Indonesian occupation in East Timor. The East Timor campaign started in 1997 and was finished in 1999. Various military, governement and corporativ indonisian websites had been defaced. The defaces was to aware all people in the world about the illegal occupation of East Timor, the mission was accompliced, the attacks were transmited to the media all over the world. The campaign was finished when m0xx, the lider of the group Toxyn, gave inumerous interviews to the midia, exposing then the entire portuguese scene to the public.

[5~Between 2002 and 2004, two Portuguese hackers also did some 'infamous' work, these two hackers gained access to FCCN ('Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional' / Foundation for National Scientific Computation), witch was backdoored with a reverse ICMP backdoor developed by them, witch rumours say it is still active. They also gained access to numerous universities and were backdoored the same way, this includes the 100 machines cluster 'Centopeia' from 'Faculdade de Coimbra'. A lot more work was made, including the database server of 'A.M. Gonçalves' and 'Salvador Caetano', Portuguese Toyota distributor. Then they just disapeared from the scene.[8]


  1. The Portuguese Scene. Eurinomo y Quickzero. Phrack Magazine #65 (11-04-08)
  2. Campaña Timor Oriental. Toxyn
  3. Hacked Sites. 2600
  4. KEPOLISIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA - HOMEPAGE - Indonesian National Police. Sitio hackeado el 19-01-98
  5. Entrevista Jordi Murgó. Revista @rroba, 95 (04-05)
  6. East Timor. 2600
  7. The Portuguese Scene. Eurinomo y Quickzero. Phrack Magazine #65 (11-04-08)
  8. The Portuguese Scene. Eurinomo y Quickzero. Phrack Magazine #65 (11-04-08)
Retrieved from "ToXyN" - La historia nunca contada del underground hacker en la Península Ibérica.