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First hacklab in Bilbao, established shortly after the second Spanish hackmeeting in 2001 in Leioa. (Ten years after the hackmeeting was held in Sestao on the other side of the river.) It comprised of an open meeting about linux every week at the time when kernel 2.4 was coming up. It was based in the squatted social centre called Udondo Gaztetxea. It played an active role in the Spanish scene, along with the other hacklabs in Barcelona in Kernel Panic (2000) and Madrid Cielito Lindo / Wau Holland 2001 (2001). It was one of the bases for sindominio, the first autonomous server collective in Spain. There was around 15 core people active in this project.

There was an unofficial division of hacklab and the "area telematica", -- the former is the group that meets regularly with defined goals and the latter is a nonstop space where people are active (in contrast to Madrid, where such division was more "official" and separated physically).

It helped squatters to build an infrastructure based on free software and learn/teach programming and indeed, doing direct actions against copyright and related issues.

It was closed around 2005.

Retrieved from "Metabolik" - La historia nunca contada del underground hacker en la Península Ibérica.