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Leet speak o leet (1337 5p34k o 1337 en la escritura leet) es un tipo de escritura compuesta de caracteres alfanuméricos, es usada por algunas comunidades y usuarios de diferentes medios de internet. Esta escritura es caracterizada por escribir caracteres alfanuméricos de una forma incomprensible para otros usuarios ajenos, inexpertos o neófitos a los diferentes grupos que utilizan esta escritura.

El término "leet", pronunciado lit, proviene de élite.



El Leet speak encuentra su origen en la comunicación escrita de los medios de comunicación electrónicos. Nace al final de los años 1980 en el ambiente de los BBS (Sistema de Tablón de Anuncios), de una mezcla de jerga de la telefonía e informática; la cual ha evolucionado como una forma de comunicación más exclusiva o privada dentro de algunas comunidades en línea, los BBS, y los juegos en línea, con el fin de ser una escritura que no sea fácilmente comprendida por usuarios ajenos, inexpertos o neófitos (a los que en este contexto se llaman lamers y noobs). Debido a ello los usuarios que manejan esta escritura se consideran pertenecientes a un tipo de élite.


  • La primera utilidad era para las personas más capacitadas o expertas (la élite): evitar que inexpertos alcanzaran los archivos importantes.
  • Para evitar la censura en los salones de chat durante los inicios de Internet.
  • Como alternativa a un apodo ya ocupado, bien sea en un chat o en un foro, se sustituye alguna letra por algún conjunto de signos que la formen, para que así el apodo pueda pronunciarse igual aunque se hayan empleado caracteres distintos.
  • Para simplemente adornar un texto. Un claro ejemplo es el mensaje que se escribe para mostrar en programas de mensajería instantánea.
  • Para evitar el borrado de archivos que contienen material ilegal subidos a servidores, como películas, música.


La escritura 1337 se puede escribir de varias formas, como la escritura llamada "simple leet" (<simpel lit>) que se escribe de manera no tan complicada y/o compleja, ejemplo: [hola , como estas?] H0L4, C0M0 35745?, que es el que es mas comúnmente usado, o el "Ultimate leet" (<ultiemeit lit>) que es la mas compleja, no muy comunmente usada pero famosa, ejemplo: [Hola como estas?] |-|0|_4 (0|\/|0 35745, todas ellas emplean caracteres gráficamente parecidos a los usuales, por ejemplo, 5 en lugar de S, 7 en lugar de T y, para los radicales, |_| en lugar de U, |2 por R, |3 por B o |< por K. Además, la ortografía y el buen uso de las mayúsculas son relegados a un segundo plano: lo que es de rigor es la creatividad.

Este lenguaje está de moda entre los geeks, los hackers y los piratas informáticos principalmente angloparlantes. En este lenguaje se cambian únicamente las vocales por números, y aunque pongamos 1337, lo correcto sería L33T.


  • ¿35745 |\/|1|24|\||)010? (¿Estás mirándolo?)
  • m!r4 (0m0 35(r!80 1337, ¿7u 10 pu3d35 h4(3r 45í d3 8!3n? (Mira cómo escribo leet, ¿tú lo puedes hacer así de bien?)
  • 3570 35 14 w!|<!p3d!4, 14 3n(!(10p3d!4 1!8r3 (Esto es la wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre)
  • E570 e5 1337 5p34l<, ¿54835 l-l4<E|2Lo? (Esto es Leet Speak, ¿sabes hacerlo?)
  • P|_|3|)35 U54|2 4L6|_|N45 |_37|245 5! 73 |235UL74 |)3M45!4D0 |)!F!<!|_ (Puedes usar algunas letras si te resulta demasiado dificil)

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Dear Cecil:

I have an Armchair University degree in English linguistics, and I was thinking about the "l33t5p33k" we see on the Net these days, as well as the Princification of the language, the replacement of "you" with "u" and "to" with "2," etc. Is this just bad English, or is this the next step? Will the English language in 100 years look like the rantings of a 15-year-old hacker as we see it now, and will numbers become letters (1 = I, 2 = to, 3 = E, 4 = for, 5 = S, etc)? --Montfort, via the Straight Dope Message Board

Cecil replies:

Let's put this in perspective, Montfort. Your columnist grew up in the 60s, which as everyone knows was the coolest era in the history of existence. The collective output of the leading lights of that time--your Stones, your Zep, etc--obliterated everything that had gone before. Sure, your Andy Williams types were still putting out records, and I guess somebody must have bought them (presumably the same people who are presently packing the theaters in Branson, Missouri). But everybody with a clue knew: Those guys were old. They were out of it. They were lame.

That said, I fully expected the next generation to come along with some even more radical pop-cultural contribution that would leave us 60s burnouts in the dust. Didn't happen, at least not right away. During the early 80s I was shocked to overhear a couple 17-year-olds talking about going to a Grateful Dead concert. I wanted to say: You twerps, your parents went to Grateful Dead concerts. You're supposed to think the Grateful Dead suck. There's something terribly wrong with a world in which kids think their elders' culture is hip.

Eventually, thank God, there was rap. I was relieved to find that I hated rap. There were times when it was all I could do to keep from growling how can you kids listen to that noise? I tell you, it did my heart good.

Now comes 133t5p33k, proof that the flames of intergenerational antagonism burn as brightly as ever. Used mainly by teenage chat-room geeks, gamers, and wannabe h4x0r5 (hackers), 133t5p33k replaces standard letterforms with others looking vaguely similar, e.g., 1 for L, 3 for E, 5 for S, and so on (see for a rundown). Thus 133t5p33k transliterates to "leetspeek." The uninitiated will now ask: What's a leet? It's short for elite, j00 14m3r (j = Y, 4 = A). No one is sure where the name came from, but the meaning is clear enough: Only the elite (i.e., your friends, who are definitely not over 40) are supposed to understand it. Leet involves multiple layers of coding, the better to trip up the unhip. Thus "you are" becomes u r, "the" is purposely misspelled t3h (leetists have adopted common typos as a point of pride), K3W1357 means kewlest/coolest, w4r3z (wares) is slang for pirated software, and so on.

On the scale of linguistic complexity, basic leet is about on a par with pig Latin, and with five minutes' practice just about anyone can crank out elegant prose such as: y c@N'+ p30p13 R3kO9nIZ3 +eh 834UTy uv 1337??? (Apologies to acconav of the Straight Dope Message Board, from whom I lifted this example.) Recognizing this, some 1337!575 are promoting "advanced" leetspeek, which they believe takes things to a new level. Sample: 4|)V4|\|C3D l3e+$peA|< i$ whEn J00 +4lK L1K3 t|-|15. t0 u|\|d3r$+@|\|D jOo |\/|u5+ be lEET. 1f J00 4r3 NO+ lEe+ jOO C@|\|N0T 5p3A|< 0r ReAd +|-|I5. Stumped? I wasn't either. But I bet a lot of parental units are scratching their heads.

At this point you may be thinking: This is |-|0r535|-|17. That's what you're supposed to think, ancient one. Leet is for kids. The whole point is to communicate only with the chosen few, and to frustrate everybody else. That's why there's little danger of leet taking over the English language, which by contrast is useful because it's so widely understood. It's possible that bits of leet will migrate into the mainstream; after all, one of the best-known expressions in English, OK, entered the language during a leetlike fad for silly initials that flourished in U.S. newspapers in the late 1830s (OK stood for "oll korrect"). But so far I'm not seeing much mention of d00dz in the New York Times.

Leet is a game at which more than one generation can play, for better or worse. In a recent discussion of leet on the SDMB, members amused themselves with remarks such as: 13375Þ33|‹ ¡5 p07 \/\/31¢0/\/\3 µ3®3 (Jeff Olsen). This inspired the snappy rejoinder 7®|_| |)47, 5|_|¢|<4 (mouthbreather), leading fallom, the 1337!57 who had started it all, to concede, y0ur 1337 0wnz0r5 m1n3. 1 4dm17 d3f347 (the 0r5 is usually ignored). But the most typographically impressive comment came from eunoia: £==7§¶=@/‹ ¿‡<=§ µ= @ 3@§§‡>= #=@Ð@(c)#=. (Hints: = is E, ‡ is I, > and < are both V.) A bit cranky, but anyone over 40 who's gotten this far will no doubt agree.


Cecil Adams can deliver the Straight Dope on any topic. Write Cecil at

Retrieved from "Leetspeek" - La historia nunca contada del underground hacker en la Península Ibérica.